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The transition from preschool to kindergarten is an important time, and one that may be met by preschool graduates with a mixture of excitement and concern.  Ensuring that the children are ready, preparing the children for the transition, and introducing them to the kindergarten environment while in preschool are priorities for the Academy of St. Adalbert, as they help to ease the anxieties of the transition.


Kindergarten students, however, are also different from preschool students. They show increased abilities in motor skills, pay attention for longer periods of time, play more cooperatively and display a growing interest in symbols such as letters and numbers. St. Adalbert provides a safe, stimulating kindergarten environment in a full-day setting which is appropriate to the individual student’s developmental needs, learning styles and abilities.


Full-day kindergarten programs provide a relaxed, unhurried school day with more time for a variety of experiences, for screening and assessment opportunities and for quality interaction between students and the teacher.  Research has found that fourth graders who participated in full-day kindergarten programs maintained the academic advantage gained during those programs (Humphrey, 1983).  Research has also found that full-day students performed as well or better than half-day students in every study with no significant adverse effects (Stinard, 1982).


The Academy of St. Adalbert’s Kindergarten Program follows the guide developed by the Diocese of Cleveland which includes the Ohio Department of Education guidelines and requirements.  The Academy of St. Adalbert is fully accredited by the Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association and is a chartered school in the state of Ohio recognized by the State Board of Education.

Academy of St. Adalbert Kindergarten Field Trip
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